BUILD Stewards


Financial Information


$BUILD Token


Treasury Summary on August 13, 2024

Token Amount
BUILD 632,385,740,818
ETH 18.08

Transactions until August 13, 2024

Date From To Type Amount Token Note Tx Hash
13 May 2024 BUILD Party Membership BUILD Party App Inflow 72.60 ETH
13 May 2024 Token Generation Contract BUILD Party App Inflow 1,000,000,000,000 BUILD TGE Tx Hash
13 May 2024 BUILD Party App BUILD Party Members Outflow -150,000,000,000 BUILD Tx Hash
13 May 2024 BUILD Party App Uniswap Pool Outflow -150,000,000,000 BUILD Locked on Liquidity Pool Tx Hash
13 May 2024 BUILD Party App Uniswap Pool Outflow -72.60 ETH Locked on Liquidity Pool Tx Hash
Uniswap BUILD Party App Inflow 26.56 ETH Four different TXs
23 May 2024 BUILD Party App Outflow -0.15 ETH paybot / swapbot integration Tx Hash
9 June 2024 BUILD Party App BUILD Summer Fund Internal Transfer 150,000,000,000 BUILD Tx Hash
12 June 2024 BUILD Summer Fund Airdrop 1 Distribution Smart Contract Internal Transfer 150,000,000,000 BUILD Tx Hash
21 June 2024 BUILD Party App BUILD Treasury Internal Transfer 550,000,000,000 BUILD Tx Hash
21 June 2024 BUILD Party App BUILD Treasury Internal Transfer 26.412 ETH Tx Hash
21 June 2024 BUILD Treasury Outflow -7.602 ETH Project Cost (April and May) Tx Hash
21 June 2024 BUILD Summer Fund Rounds Outflow -1,732,500,000 BUILD Contribution to /base-builds rewards Tx Hash
5 July 2024 BUILD Summer Fund A User Outflow -47,098,957 BUILD Sent to the wallet Tx Hash
5 July 2024 BUILD Summer Fund A User Outflow -10,960,105 BUILD Sent to the wallet Tx Hash
11 July 2024 Uniswap BUILD Treasury Inflow 2.078764781 ETH Trading fee transfer Tx Hash
11 July 2024 Airdrop 1 Distribution Smart Contract Deployer BUILD Summer Fund Internal Transfer 31,366,790,281 BUILD Unclaimed $BUILD amount on Aidrop 1 Round 1 Tx Hash
11 July 2024 Pedro Oliveira BUILD Treasury Inflow 1.4 ETH Grant from Base. It was sent to Pedro's wallet. So Pedro transferred it to BUILD Treasury Multisig. Tx Hash
13 July 2024 Airdrop 1 Distribution Smart Contract Users Outflow -33,548,309,840 BUILD Total Claimed $BUILD Amount on Airdrop 1 Round 1 Many TXs
13 July 2024 Airdrop 1 Distribution Smart Contract BUILD Summer Fund Internal Transfer 85,084,899,880 BUILD Total Committed $BUILD Amount on Airdrop 1 Round 1 Many TXs
14 July 2024 BUILD Summer Fund 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD Outflow -31,366,790,281 BUILD Burn tokens Tx Hash
14 July 2024 BUILD Summer Fund /castrdop Frame Outflow -20,000,000 BUILD transferring 20M $BUILD to the castdrop frame (so we're capping it at 2,000 users/claims for now) Tx Hash
22 July 2024 BUILD Summer Fund /castrdop Frame Outflow -20,000,000 BUILD it's 20M for a new castdrop frame Tx Hash
25 July 2024 BUILD Summer Fund Rounds Outflow -210,000,000 BUILD Partnership with /design channel on Tx Hash
30 July 2024 BUILD Summer Fund Rounds Outflow -210,000,000 BUILD Partnership with /fbi channel on Tx Hash
6 August 2024 BUILD Summer Fund Rounds Outflow -200,000,000 BUILD Partnership with /yellow channel on Tx Hash
6 August 2024 BUILD Summer Fund talentprotocol.eth Outflow -21,000,000 BUILD experiment on to promote a “Born to Build” NFT Tx Hash
6 August 2024 BUILD Summer Fund leal.eth Outflow -17,600,000 BUILD BUILD IRL Nomination (tipping) - Leal deposited BUILD from his own wallet Tx Hash
13 August 2024 BUILD Summer Fund Rounds Outflow -210,000,000 BUILD on the /build farcaster channel Tx Hash
13 August 2024 BUILD Treasury Outflow -4.2036 ETH Project Cost (June and July) Tx Hash
20 August 2024 BUILD Summer Fund Rounds Outflow -210,000,000 BUILD on the /build farcaster channel Tx Hash

Project Costs (June and July 2024)

We will not use the Ecosystem Grants allocation to cover the project's costs. Instead, the BUILD project's costs will be covered by the trading fees (ETH) earned from the Uniswap Liquidity Pool until we launch the Ecosystem Grants program.

Here is the list of costs incurred on June and July 2024, which was paid using trading fees (ETH).

Total is 4.2036 ETH

Item Amount Token / FIAT Currency Amount to Pay (ETH) Spent by / Contribution by
Building "Nominate with buildbot" 1,650 USD 0.63657407 Builders Garden
frame to claim 3,000 $BUILD, for "Manifesto for Onchain Builders" NFT minters. (and donated it's own BUILD) 0.10 ETH 0.10000000 @shortcake
Dune Dashboard for BUILD Nominations Round 2 0.10 ETH 0.10000000 @jondar
Frame $BUILD Stats 0.10 ETH 0.10000000 @mvr
Helping with moderation 0.10 ETH 0.10000000 @skrim
BUILD Marketing and Product (Merch Design, Dune, 947.00 USD 0.36535494 Talent Protocol
BUILD IRL Nominations (Tipping) Experiement at EthCC Card and custom clearance costs (URL) 673.00 USD 0.25964506
Tech Costs (Heroku) 5,676.00 USD 2.18981481 Talent Protocol
Tech Costs (Others) 913.00 USD 0.35223765 Talent Protocol